Cooperative Purchase Agreement: YRCS Radio Repeater
Authorize the purchase of radio repeater equipment supporting the
regional radio system for a total cost of $557,883.28 to Motorola
Solutions, Inc., Tempe, Arizona, using a Cooperative Purchase
Agreement through the State of Arizona. (Information Technology-
GNT-25-265) (Isaiah Kirk/Jeremy W. Jeffcoat/Robin R. Wilson)
Cooperative Purchase Agreement: YRCS Software Network
Equipment and Services
Authorize the purchase of network equipment and services
supporting the regional public safety software system utilizing a
Cooperative Purchase Agreement through the State of Arizona for
a total amount of $659,803.02 from Advanced Network
Management, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona. (Information Technology-
GNT-25-268) (Isaiah Kirk/ Jeremy W. Jeffcoat/Robin R. Wilson)
Final Plat: Plaza Del Este Unit No. 3
Approve the final plat of the Plaza Del Este Unit No. 3 Subdivision.
The property is located at the northwest corner of 7 ½ E and 32nd
Street. (Planning and Neighborhood Services/Community
Planning) (Alyssa Linville)
All items listed on the Resolution Consent Agenda will be considered and enacted with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a City Councilmember so
requests or a Speaker Request Form has been submitted. In which event, the item will be
removed from the Resolution Consent Agenda and the vote or action may be taken separately.
Intergovernmental Agreement: Wellton Elementary School
District No. 24
Authorize an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Wellton
Elementary School District No. 24 (District) to jointly use a school
safety interoperability system. (Information Technology) (Jeremy
W. Jeffcoat)